Lake of the Pregnant Maiden Dayang Bunting

The lake of the pregnant maiden is situated on the second largest island of the Langkawi archipelago called Dayang Bunting. Also known as Tasik Dayang Bunting, the lake derives its name from the legend of Mambang Sari, an ethereal princess who lost her infant child within a week after giving birth. Mourning the loss of her baby boy, she laid his celestial remains in the lake with a belief that the child would rest in peace. The grieving princess then blessed the waters of the lake with the power to increase fertility of all those who swim and drink water from it. This folklore brings many tourists who are eager to take a dip in the water with the hope of being blessed with a child.

Swimming in the lake is the most popular activity here. However, if procreation is not on your agenda then hire a paddle boat or kayak and venture deeper into the lake for better scenery, or just enjoy a lakeside picnic with panoramic views. This fresh water lake sits precariously close to the sea and is only separated by a small strip of land. It is surrounded by lush green cliffs as if they are protecting the lake making it appear even more mystical. A wooden path through the mangroves goes halfway around the lake to the point where the narrow piece of land separates it from the sea.

A visit to the lake of the pregnant maiden is part of most island-hopping tours, making it easily accessible. Hence, the lake gets crowded during the high season from December to September and loses its serene appeal to some degree. Every now and then, monkeys that live in the nearby forests are also a nuisance, as they will grab any bags that are left unattended in search of food.